| Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life A Course in Transformation
Author: Philip Underwood
Paperback • A5 • 256pp • £12.99 • 1-85252-252-6 • 1998
A genuinely new and "alternative" approach to personal and business success. Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life takes readers through a series of modular "sessions", each of which implants a new insight and a new way of realising and developing their latent abilities. This unusual book provides as framework to achieve the winning state of mind.
Price: £12.99 |
| The Frog-Snogger's Guide A Course in Transformation
Authors: Susan Lancaster and Sean Orford
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 256pp • £12.99 • 1-85252-348-4 • 2000
A guide to getting on with toads...We all have to get on with people we don’t instinctively like – bosses, colleagues, customers, mothers-in-law, sons-in-law... the list is endless. However slimy and unappealing they may be, we have to find a way to get through to them.The Frog Snogger’s Guide is a guide to overcoming initial aversion and forming a constructive bond or rapport with the many frogs and toads we need to get on with to progress our own ambitions or aspirations.
Areas covered include:
- frogs you may need to snog - attributes required for frog-snogging - the first kiss - breaking down the barriers - dealing with bad breath - overcoming superficial obstacles - understanding and making allowances for different personality types - using “emotional intelligence” and NLP techniques to create rapport - dealing with prejudice - coping with rejection - and moving on...
Price: £9.99 |
| Kaizen and You Personal Success Through Continuous Improvement
Author: Igor Popovich
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 224pp • £12.99 • 1-85252-261-5 • 1997
This book is a unique guide for individuals to employ the principles of Kaizen
- the ancient Japanese art of continuous improvement - in achieving personal success.
It provides a step-by-step approach enabling readers to: - Get to know themselves better - Capitalise on strengths and eliminate weaknesses - Plan and achieve important goals - Become better, more efficient and more resourceful people
'Kaizen and You is unique in that it addresses the challenges to individuals...the book will help the reader to find the right way to Kaizen' The Kaizen Institute of Japan
Price: £12.99 |
| Knowing You Knowing Me Author: Derrick White
Paperback • A5 • 184pp • £14.99 • l-85252-414-6 • 2002
There is a great danger in stereotyping people very early in any interaction - ‘he’s a typical accountant/salesman’; ‘she adored simply everyone, dahling, a typical lovey…’ Usually the person who makes these wild generalisations is on unsafe ground if there is any long-term relationship to be developed. This book is designed to give the reader the language of personality typing along with an understanding of what makes various types tick, how they behave in given situations and how they interact with the other personality types.
In the world of personal relationships, it is immensely important to understand why we gel with some people so completely and why others immediately alienate us. This book opens the keys to making interactions more effective, long-lasting and altogether more satisfying.
Price: £14.99 |
| The Learning Toolkit Author: Stuart Emmett
Paperback • B6 • 108pp • £5.99 • ISBN 9781852526580 • 2010
A concise guide to learning in business (how to learn new techniques and processes quickly and efficiently). Designed for quick and ready use by the busy professional.
Price: £5.99 |
| Networking in 90 Minutes Author: Lindsay Bannerman
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 113pp • £9.99 • 1-85252-479-0 • 2006
A practical guide to developing personal and business success through networking. Written by one of Scotland's leading businesswomen, known as the "network queen", this guide is a concise manual for anyone looking for advice on how to build and maintain a network to best effect.
Price: £9.99 |
| Mind Skills At Work Author: Samuel A. Malone
Paperback • A5 • 267pp • £14.99 • 9781852526061 • 2009
How good are you at managing multiple tasks? What about problem-solving and creativity? How quickly do you pick up new ideas and new skills? This book gives a practical guide to improving all aspects of mental performance in business. The author explains the mental techniques, and shows readers how they can develop and improve skills in areas that will fundamentally transform their performance in the workplace.
Price: £14.99 |
| The Positive Workbook How You Can Do The Work You Love
Author: Mike Pegg
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 186pp • £12.99 • 1-85252-209-7 • 1997
Packed with exercises and checklists, this book is a practical guide to identifying and developing the areas of capability which yield the most enjoyment, and the best results – both in your personal life and in a business environment.
Price: £12.99 |
| The Relaxation Reflex How to Wipe Out Stress Through Relaxation
Author: Robin Sands
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 160pp • £12.99 • 1-85252-370-0 • 2001
With the increasing evidence of stress in all aspects of our daily lives, it has never been more important to learn to relax. This invaluable guide explains how stress builds up in the body and shows how techniques of relaxation can be applied to combat this stress and repair the damage to both body and mind.
Price: £12.99 |
| Software for the Brain How to get the most out of your necktop computer
Author: Michael Hewitt-Gleeson
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 194pp • £12.99 • 1-85252-310-7 • 2000
A practical guide to making the most of your brain, by programming it to perform properly...
Price: £12.99 |
| STEPS for Success Author: Gordon Wainwright
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 197pp • £12.99 • 1-85252-302-6 • 1999
A self-training manual in the essential personal skills for success. Divided into 12 modules each focusing on a specific skill, covering various aspects of thinking, learning, communication and time management.
Price: £12.99 |
| Succeed in Life Author: Rupert Eales-White
Paperback • A5 • 224pp • £14.99 • 9781852526283 • 2009
Launching a new series of self-improvement guides by an established motivational writer. Practical, down-to-earth, and inspiring, with a foreword by Keren Smedley.
Price: £14.99 |
| Succeed as a Parent Author: Rupert Eales-White
Paperback • A5 • 228pp • £14.99 • 9781852526412 • 2010
Continuing the new series of self-improvement guides by an established motivational writer. Practical, down-to-earth, and inspiring.
Price: £14.99 |
| Succeed with your Partner Author: Rupert Eales-White
Paperback • A5 • 204pp • £14.99 • 9781852526337 • 2010
Continuing the new series of self-improvement guides by an established motivational writer. Practical, down-to-earth, and inspiring.
Price: £14.99 |
| Think Lazy, Grow Rich You don't HAVE to work hard, to get rich. By making the right decisions at the right time, and mastering the art of delegation, it is possible to make money and stay sane. The author explains how...
Price: £12.99 |
| Thinking Harder Being Smart About Transformation
Authors: Duncan Bury and Jane Buick
Paperback • A5 • 185pp • £14.99 • 9781852526429 • 2010
A new guide to managing personal, business and organisational change. Provides an alternative approach to change management based on personal application rather than business school theory.
Price: £14.99 |
| Time to Think Seize control of your time and your life
Author: Mark Barnes
Paperback • 245mm x 190mm (large format) • 204pp • £18.99 • ISBN 9781852525385 • 2007
A guide to successful time management in all aspects of your life. Packed with anecdotes and cartoon illustrations, this comprehensive guide is both informative and entertaining – a fun read which will provide inspiration as well as hard practical advice.
Price: £18.99 |
| What Colour Is Your Knicker Elastic? Authors: Susan Lancaster and Sean Orford
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 160pp • £9.99 • 1-85252-377-8 • 2001
This is the second book in the ‘Frog Snoggers’ series. The first dealt directly with those issues around developing relationships with those you dislike but need to get along with to achieve your aims and objectives. This second book deals with the true nature of what relationships are, how they differ, develop and change and finally what happens when a relationship comes to an end.
Price: £9.99 |
| What's That in my Attic? Author: Sean Orford
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 186pp • £9.99 • 1-85252-402-2 • 2002
This is the third book in the ‘Frog Snoggers’ series, following on from issues around developing relationships with those you dislike and the true nature of what relationships are. This third book takes a critical look at the emotional and mental rubbish that we accumulate through our lives. How does this 'attic' full of stuff affect and inhibit our potential fulfilment and happiness? It also shows how to identify those gems that have been stored away, that could be worthy of a trip to an antiques road show.
Price: £9.99 |
| Winners Win and Losers Lose Authors: Nick Thornely & Dan Lees
Paperback • 210 x 148mm • 160pp • £12.99 • 1-85252-373-5 • 2001
The ultimate guide to getting ahead... Everyone wants to be a winner. But not everyone succeeds. What is it that separates the men from the boys, the sheep from the goats, the winners from the losers... Illustrated throughout with amusing and thought-provoking cartoons, this is a light-hearted guide with an important message which will help every reader to improve the quality of their lives at home and in the workplace.
Price: £12.99 |